26 October 08

Stimulating The Economy Through End-Of-The-World Spending

The paradox of thrift states that if everybody were to save most of their money, the resultant decrease in consumption would be highly deflationary, leading to worsening economic difficulties. Hence the call for stimulus packages these days. I’ve just finished watched Chris Martenson’s excellent video series The Crash Course about the economy, energy, and the environment and agree with his major theme that the next twenty years is going to be nothing at all like the past twenty years. That is, expect chaos ahead.

So before the economy completely collapses we’re working on getting our pre-apocalyptic stores laid in. Today we ordered a) a hand-cranked grain mill and food mill from Lehman’s (purveyors to the Amish) b) a small solar panel and charge controller for keeping the 12V SLA batteries charged and c) an external lithium battery good for powering small electronics up to and including the laptop. If there’s no electricity we’ll still be able to blog…assuming of course the phone line still works!

Posted by at 12:32 AM in Sustainability | Link |
  1. Since Lehman Brothers helped bring down the economy, it only makes sense they’d have spun off a third brother to purvey recovery supplies.

    Jarrett    26. October 2008, 06:02    Link
  2. with all due respect, if there’s no electricity, no one will be able to read the blog.

    But I do get your point about self-sustainability. Between the avian pandemic(s), west nile, global warming, and now the imploding economy, it’s wise to be better prepared.


    lynD    28. October 2008, 10:48    Link

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