23 September 07

YouTube At Two Inches

I am now in Victoria, BC attending a conference this week on open source GIS. Pica has this amazing gizmo that is perfect for such trips. This is a Nokia N800 internet tablet. It’s a little bigger than a file card and does wireless: web browsing, email, and anything else you might want to do on the net. I’m blogging this lying on my back.in bed, holding it in my left hand. And I can catch up on movie trailers too:nothing like watching tte one for “Sleuth” on a two-inch wide window!

Posted by at 04:27 PM in Miscellaneous | Link |
  1. Hi Alan! good to hear the N800 is workign for you. Dave Winer at scriipting.com just bought one.. He is having interesting expriences getting running on his home network



    greg Kruckewitt    29. September 2007, 22:00    Link

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