26 August 08

Lunchtime, Yesterday

My sketching buddy Claire’s partner’s had the twins so no Raptor Center for us today at lunch so I went home to load the solar cooker having run out of time before work but there in the field were about 200 white-faced ibis so I sat on the kitchen stool and peered through the scope and these outlandish schnozzes and wild colors pink green copper red blue and drew and drew and then it was time to leave so I got on my bike and heading north under the walnut tree a refuge from the heat for panting crows a plonk onto my helmet that oozed through the vents warm and slightly sticky and I said to the gals as I hosed myself and my helmet down back at work it could have been worse at least it wasn’t a condor — that could have killed me.

Posted by at 09:22 PM in Miscellaneous | Link |
  1. Joe: Damn. That’s a good yard bird!

    Ron Sullivan    1. September 2008, 18:37    Link

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