15 March 08


Poppy and penstemon, watercolor on Aquabord I have dozens of things that need to get done. I seem unable to finish any of them. It’s a spiral that’s not good to go down…

Posted by at 04:45 PM in Miscellaneous | Link |
  1. I feel exactly the same. I’ve been sitting at my computer trying to get up the desire to look at CSS code and update my blog, but each time I open the text software I just get up and walk to the window. Haven’t the slightest desire to look at code!

    butuki    16. March 2008, 08:15    Link
  2. It’s called “spring fever.” No known cure except a little time. Just relax and know that those dozens of things that need doing will either still be there when you’ve recovered or (if you’re really lucky) will have disappeared of their own accord.

    Babz    16. March 2008, 11:08    Link
  3. Pica, it’s now Tuesday night. Enough with the procrastination! Your admiring public want to know if you’ve yet recovered from the bout of Spring Fever.

    Susan    18. March 2008, 20:23    Link

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