29 November 08

Second Pair of Socks

Second pair of socks I’m getting the hang of turning a heel. I have now taught myself continental knitting, and purling (!), demonstrated to an accomplished continental knitter who said “you’re doing it.” Look out.

Ravelry (still in Beta!) continues to astonish and amaze. Over 200,000 participants, it’s a much larger community than Daily Kos. There are sub-groups (I now belong to, in no particular order, the ham radio Knitters, the thrifty knitters [why buy yarn when you can get a great sweater at the thrift store and frog it, or rip it up and knit it again?], the Terry Pratchett knitters, the birding knitters, composting knitters, the Patrick O’Brian knitters, the Continental knitters, plus the defaults I’m not sure whether to get rid of yet. There isn’t just one Linux knitting group: there’s general Linux and Ubuntu. There are numerous baseball knitting groups (the Red Sox one is predictably huge; the Giants one less so). There are no doubt hundreds of groups of fans of TV shows I’ve never heard of. No shortage of cat groups.

I’ve started entering my stash and needles and future projects (one of which is taking shape now, some fingerless bike commuting gloves for Numenius).

Jeez. I mean, who knew?

Posted by at 07:48 PM in Knitting | Link |
  1. my mouth is hanging open in disbelief! I have a few old sweaters if you need to unravel, Pica!! Ha, Ha.

    Gainor    30. November 2008, 18:35    Link
  2. Wow…impressive. I haven’t been knitting as much, immersed as I was in NaNoWriMo. I’m on Ravelry too…but only with a couple of sub-groups (the one for newbies and one called Big Damn Knitters…Firefly reference). :)

    Teresa    1. December 2008, 07:54    Link
  3. How the hell do you knit a ham radio? Steel wool?

    Those socks are gorgeous. Just sayin.

    Ron Sullivan    1. December 2008, 22:29    Link
  4. Still waiting to hear from Ravelry. Meanwhile, I think I managed to teach myself to knit socks on circular needles, using the Magic loop technique!

    maria    2. December 2008, 18:36    Link
  5. I just finished “turning the heel” on a pair of socks I’m making for Chris!! What a process! Scarves are a lot easier.
    Have fun!


    Karen    2. December 2008, 21:19    Link
  6. Congrats! Eventually turning heels will become the fun part! :)

    I’m on Ravelry as rana, if you want to look me up!

    Rana    3. December 2008, 06:54    Link
  7. Yes, what do the ham radio knitters get up to? Do they sit by the tx/rx knitting, rather like les tricoteuses by the guillotine, as the dx comes piling in?

    Dick    3. December 2008, 14:24    Link

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